Thursday, March 6, 2008


So school has really been kickin' my ass lately, so sorry for the lack of updates. This week was my spring break though, and I have bought TONS of spring/summer peices, so hopefully I can make a collage of everything sometime soon =)
In fabulous fashion news, the FIERCE Christian Siriano ( at just 21 years of age!) won Project Runway last night with a beautiful (more couture) line that even Victoria Beckham was amazed by. Though Rami and Jillian both created amazing lines themselves, it was quite obvious that as soon as Christians' line hit the runway, it stood out from all the rest. Later on today I plan to check out to see if Christians line has debuted (and what the going prices are for his pieces!) So again, congrats to Mr. Siriano! Now you can take a vacay, ya know, a fierce breaky break ;)
Photo Credit: Bravo Tv.